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Friday, February 3, 2012
NRB Announces 2012 International Awards Ahead of Nashville Convention
By Michael Ireland
Senior International Correspondent, ASSIST News Service
(ANS) ? The National Religious Broadcasters association has released its list of winners in its annual International Awards category. The Awards will be presented at the 69th annual NRB Convention & Exposition in Nashville, TN February 18-21.
NRB?s Media Awards program is designed to encourage excellence in production, service to the community, faithfulness to the mission, commitment to the Gospel, and personal integrity.
NRB says: ?By honoring and celebrating the most outstanding ministries, facilities, and programs/producers in the Association, we hope to inspire others as they seek to create compelling, relevant, and challenging Christian programming.?
The 2012 Individual Achievement in International Broadcasting Award goes to Dr. Stoyko Petkov, Studio 865 (Sofia, Bulgaria).
Stoyko Petkov, Studio 865 |
Dr. Stoyko Petkov was born in 1966 into a Christian family in Bulgaria, where during the Communist regime his grandfather had been a preacher.
Immediately after the fall of communism in Eastern Europe, Stoyko Petkov founded Studio 865, a Christian media association, and it became the national partner of TWR for Bulgaria. Starting with the production of radio programs in the Bulgarian language, Studio 865 then established a Christian newspaper in 1994. In 1996 Roma (Gypsy) radio broadcasts were added and in the fall of 1998 Studio 865 initiated a weekly Christian TV program.
Currently, Studio 865 is utilizing TV, radio, Internet, and printed media in order to encourage the Christian community in Bulgaria and to address the needs of those yet untouched by the Gospel.
International Radio Ministry Award: Radio Mosoj Chaski (Cochabamba, Bolivia):
Radio Mosoj Chaski, |
Mosoj Chaski Radio (New Messenger Radio) has faithfully served its Quechua audience, of Bolivia and southern Peru, for over 12 years. The Quechuas, descendants of the Incas, are animistic, and the church struggles with syncretism. The geographical isolation of the rural churches presents unique challenges. Mosoj Chaski produces all its own programs contextualized for the needs of its audience. The programs are broadcast 8 hours daily on its 90 meter SW frequency, and by 25 FM radio stations. Their listening audience is both Christian and non-Christian. Testimonies abound of people who have been spiritually blessed by Mosoj Chaski.
International Television Ministry Award: ERF (Germany):
ERF, Germany |
?The broadcaster for a whole lifetime? is the slogan of ERF. The Christian media enterprise offers programming for both young and old. Established in 1959 as Evangeliums-Rundfunk (?Evangelical Broadcasting?), it started broadcasting the Gospel via radio in 1961.
Now, a half-century later, ERF has expanded into television and the Internet. ERF?s 24/7 TV channel, ERF 1, can be seen across Europe via Astra digital satellite, offering a wide range of Christian programming for believers and pre-believers alike, including talk shows, documentaries, concerts, magazine programs, quiz shows, teaching, and drama. Financed solely through donations, ERF has an annual budget of 14.5 million Euros ($18.5 million).
International Innovation Award:
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The approach is a process for Internet evangelism, with the purpose to present the Gospel of Jesus Christ to people by using the Internet, to connect the willing seeker with Christians (online) and to empower the local ?churches? and Christians to disciple them (online and offline). This is all done in partnership with national partners, churches and individuals. In this whole process prayer is crucial. The dream of is a world with every single person having free access to the Gospel, knowing God, growing in Jesus, and sharing faith easily.
International Strategic Partnership Award: TWR.
TWR logo |
Speaking fluently in more than 200 languages and dialects, TWR exists to reach the world for Jesus Christ. Their global media outreach engages millions in 160 countries with biblical truth. For nearly 60 years, God has enabled TWR to help lead people from doubt to decision to discipleship. Together with international partners, local churches and other ministries, TWR provides relevant programming, discipleship resources and dedicated workers to spread hope to individuals and communities around the globe. Whether using high-powered AM, shortwave or FM radio, streaming content to Internet users or visiting face-to-face with listeners, TWR leaves a lasting spiritual footprint.
International Impact Award: Mission Network News.
Mission Network News logo |
Mission Network News (MNN) is a service of Cornerstone University. MNN is a daily news service dedicated to providing news and information that has an impact on the church. They inform people how current events are impacting people around the world, but more importantly, encourage Christians to get out of the pew and do something about it, whether it be by praying about it, financially contributing to the need, or actually going and helping physically and spiritually. MNN is heard on more than 1,000 radio outlets in 33 countries, and is translated into Spanish.
** Michael Ireland is the Senior International Correspondent for ANS. He is an international British freelance journalist who was formerly a reporter with a London (United Kingdom) newspaper and has been a frequent contributor to UCB UK, a British Christian radio station. While in the UK, Michael traveled to Canada and the United States, Albania,Yugoslavia, Holland, Germany,and Czechoslovakia. He has reported for ANS from Jamaica, Mexico, Nicaragua, Israel, Jordan, China,and Russia. Michael?s volunteer involvement with ASSIST News Service is a sponsored ministry department ? ?Michael Ireland Media Missionary? (MIMM) ? of A.C.T. International of P.O.Box 1649, Brentwood, TN 37024-1649, at: Artists in Christian Testimony (A.C.T.) International where you can make a donation online under ?Donate? tab, then look for ?Michael Ireland Media Missionary? under ?Donation Category? to support his stated mission of ?Truth Through Christian Journalism.? Michael is a member in good standing of the National Writers Union, Society of Professional Journalists, Religion Newswriters Association, Evangelical Press Association and International Press Association. If you have a news or feature story idea for Michael, please contact him at: ANS Senior International Reporter | |
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<!?BYLINE:By Michael Ireland
Senior International Correspondent, ASSIST News Service?>
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